MORE than 20,000 supermarket vouchers, worth over £1.8 million, have been sent to low-income families in Devon to help them buy food over the upcoming summer holidays.

Each child currently eligible for free school meals during term time has received a £90 voucher to spend on replacing the meals they would have had at school during the day.

It’s the equivalent of £15 per week of the six week school holiday, and is being distributed in one lump sum now to allow families some flexibility on how they spend the vouchers and try to help with the additional pressure the summer period puts on household budgets; they can be redeemed in major supermarkets across Devon and arrangements are in place for families who cannot get to a supermarket.

The money for these vouchers has come from the Government’s series of Household Support Funds, which is allocated to councils for them to help residents who are struggling to meet their food, energy, water and other essential living needs.

Devon County Council (DCC) have been sending eligible families these holiday vouchers since December 2020 thanks to Government funding, and have so far spent over £11 million to help prevent children going hungry over the school holidays.

With the end of term fast approaching, DCC have already sent these supermarket vouchers to families whose children currently receive free school meals.

► For those expecting to receive vouchers, but didn't, get in touch with the team at Devon County Council as soon as possible by emailing [email protected] or calling 0345 155 1019.

► You can find out more about the free school meal holiday voucher scheme and other support available by clicking here.