DEVON Young Farmers' is led by young people, for young people, and its 37 clubs provide members aged 10 to 28 with a unique opportunity to develop skills, work with their local community, travel abroad, take part in competitions and enjoy a dynamic social life.

But most importantly, you don't need to be a farmer, to be a young farmer!
Its programme of activities varies from performing arts competitions and sports, to an Agri Business Programme and charity fundraising. There really is something for everyone.
Dan Grist, Devon YFC Chairman, says: “I owe so much to Young Farmers. Whether it has been building my confidence through public speaking competitions, to meeting likeminded people from across the county and country, I couldn’t imagine growing up without it!

“As well as helping to develop and grow rural young people, we also do a lot of community and charity work.
"Last year alone we raised a whopping £175,000 for local and national charities. That’s something we’re really proud of.”
To join, take a look at the website ( to see where your nearest club is.
Email: [email protected] saying that you’d like to try out your local club and your details will be passed on to the club’s Chairman and Secretary.
You can also keep up-to-date with all things Devon YFC on Instagram and Facebook!