A NEWTON Abbot duo are on route to John o’ Groats atop their motorbikes for two good causes.
Geoffrey Pickerill and Pete Stevens are travelling from Lands End to John o’ Groats and back again.
Dubbed as the ‘Last Long Ride’, the journey will see Geoff and Pete cover around 2000 miles across ten days.
The ride is a celebration of their shared love of motorbikes - the pair have more than 100 years of biking experience between them - but it is also a fund-raising mission.
The duo have already raised more than £2,000 of their £5,000 target.
Newton Abbot Rotary Club and Newton Abbot Community Shed are the beneficiaries; Geoff a Rotarian of many years and Pete a founding member of Newton Abbot’s flourishing community shed.
Prior to setting off Pete, in a video to the community shed’s Facebook page, said: ‘We are taking a scenic route, a distance of around 2000 miles, maybe just over.
‘I am quite looking forward to the ride, particularly if the weather is good.
‘It would be great if anyone fancies sponsoring us, we are looking to raise as much as we possibly can.’
For those interested in donating to the cause, click here - or scan the QR code below.