A TEENAGER has been caught selling nicotine vapes to other teens in Newton Abbot town centre.

The town’s police report: ‘An eagle eyed CCTV operative alerted the neighbourhood team to some suspicious youths making exchanges in the town centre.

‘One 15-year-old, who we can’t name for legal reasons, must think he is the “Puff Daddy” of Newton was caught selling nicotine vapes to other teenagers.

‘Vapes are an age restricted product which you have to be over 18 to purchase, we see more and more teenagers using vapes and becoming addicted at an early age.

Y’ouths are finding different ways of purchasing vapes, we have already issued a local business with a community protection warning recently after they were caught selling vapes to 14-year-olds.

‘This particular youth will be escalated through our ASB process in partnership with Teignbridge Council.

They add: ‘Operation Darth Vaper continues….’ before adding this is not a real operation name!