IT'S another step back in time this week, as we take a look at some photos from the 1990s.

Defibrillator presentation from Teignmouth Hospital League of Friends to Teignmouth
Hospital in November 1990. (MDA Archive)

They were building bridges at the Dawlish school’s bridge building competition organised by the local rotary club in November 1990. Pictured above are the winning team from Westcliff Primary featuring Craig Wicks (10), Robbie Chesterman (10), Mark Gibson (10), Katy Partridge (11) and Vanya Wayment (11). (MDA Archive)

Below are Kenton Primary School builders James Beary (10), Tom Foxall (9). Marionne Page (10), Jamie Dyer (9) and Rupet McDonald (9) hard at work on their construction. (MDA Archive)