A BOVEY Tracey man who admitted having indecent images of children has been given a suspended jail sentence.

Sean Robert James, aged 27, of Bullands Close, pleaded guilty to making 42 indecent Category A photographs of children at Bovey Tracey.

South and West Devon Magistrates' Court sentenced him to six months in prison, suspended for 24 months, giving the reason ‘The Offence was so serious.’

During the 24-month supervision period James must carry out up to 40 activity days and must also carry out 80 hours of unpaid work within the next year.

He must pay £85 costs to the Crown Prosecution Service and £149 to fund victim services.

James also admitted he made 42 indecent images (category B) of children and he was sentence to a further month in to run consecutively and suspended for 24 months.

He further admitted making 100 indecent (Category C) photographs of children. he was sentence to a further month in to run consecutively and suspended for 24 months. This made the total sentence eight months, suspended for 24 months.

The court also granted an application for sexual harm prevention order to be in place for five years.

James was also required to register with police in accordance with the Sexual Offences Act 2003 for 10 years.