ENTERPRISING pupils from Rydon Primary School held a successful careers fair at their Kingsteignton school last week.

Headteacher Nick Banwell said: ‘The event was a huge success and the children were delighted with the way it went. They deserved all the success, as so much came from them.

‘They worked incredibly hard at lunchtimes and from home, coming up with some great ideas for organising and marketing Rydon’s first careers fair.’

The fair was organised by a group of 19 Year 6 pupils, who have set up an enterprise group at the school.

The fair was their first venture.

Businesses and employers attended, including Abbrook Farm, South West Water, Plymouth University, Volvo and Kier Construction.

Mr Banwell added: ‘The stalls were really creative and interactive and inspired our students. Lots of parents and children attended from across the whole school.

‘Some of the children have since said they’re now certain of what they want to do as a career.

‘The event was really well organised by the children and the way they all worked together was great. They worked really cooperatively.’

Templer Academy Schools Trust, of which Rydon is a part, has invited the enterprise group to hold a stall at its careers fair at Newton Abbot Racecourse next April.