DEVELOPERS working on plans to build 76 new homes in Newton Abbot have applied to vary conditions relating to the landscaping to provide owners with space to grow their own produce.

Plans for the properties at Ogwell Mill Road were approved in 2020 by Teignbridge Council planners and included public open space and external works.

Now a further application by developers Persimmon Homes has been submitted to change the landscaping on the southern boundary of the site.

The new variation is looking to use a retaining wall bank to be planted and seeded to provide a continuous green boundary along the length of the southern boundary, providing a softening of views from the south and a suitable transition to the neighbouring farm.

The submission to planners explains: ‘The proposal has a dual purpose, which will generate significant benefit to the occupiers of these plots whilst also minimising visual impact of the homes.

‘Firstly, the proposal will allow the rear gardens of these plots to be levelled, which will maximise their usability for a range of purposes including leisure and opportunities to ‘grow your own’ produce.

‘The proposal approved under the existing consent, involves sloping gardens that limit the functionality of the space.’

The revised plans are asking for approval to address the sloping nature of some of the plots and help those with limited mobility. It says by raising garden levels, utilising the retaining bank to the south, residents will have level access to their rear gardens.

The application has been lodged with Teignbridge Council and is ‘pending consideration’.