A NUMBER of people have been fined for not having valid tickets when they’ve been caught on the trains or at stations in Devon. The following were fined by South and West Devon Magistrates' Court. They are:

  • Darren Breen, aged 31, of Upton Road, Torquay, was fined £220 for entering a Newton Abbot Station platform via an automatic barrier in an incorrect manner. He must also pay £180 in costs and £88 to fund victim services. The case was proved in his absence.
  • Maka Chikomo, aged 19, of Deerhirst Road, Daventry, was fined £440 after he was caught travelling on the train at Newton Abbot without a ticket. He must pay compensation of £173.65 and costs of £180. He must also pay £176 to fund victim services. The case was proved in his absence.
  • Scott Cook, aged 38, of St Marychurch Road, Torquay, was fined £220 for being on a train in Newton Abbot without a valid ticket. As well as the fine he must pay compensation of £46, costs of £180 and £88 to fund victim services.
  • Ziggy Fakih, aged 34, of Tamworth Close, Newton Abbot, was fined £180 for not handing over a ticket at Teignmouth when asked to do. Fakih was fined and ordered to pay £180 in costs, £4.40 in compensation and £72 to fund victim services. The case was proved in his absence.
  • Aleksandra Morawska, aged 23, of New Street, Honiton was fined £220 for travelling on a train at Starcross without paying his fare of £37.60. He was also ordered to pay £37.60 compensation, £180 in costs and to pay £88 to fund victim services. The case was proved in his absence.
  • Warren Snell, aged 41, of Old Mill Road, Torquay, was fined £220 for entering a train at Newton Abbot without a valid ticket. He must also pay £26.40 compensation, £180 in costs and £88 to fund victim services. The case was proved in his absence.
  • Julie Sullivan, aged 35, of Old Mill Road, Torquay, was fined £220 for entering a train at Newton Abbot without a valid ticket. She must also pay £26.40 compensation, £180 in costs and £88 to fund victim services. The case was proved in her absence.
  • Matthew Webber, aged 37, of Ashleigh Rise, Teignmouth, was fined £220 for failing to hand over a valid ticket when asked at Newton Abbot. He must also pay £8.80 compensation, £180 in costs and £88 to fund victim services. The case was proved in his absence.