New figures have shown that more than 100 members of staff at Exeter University are paid a salary in excess of £100,000.

Figures from the Taxpayers Alliance show that 106 lecturers at the university currently earn over £100,000 with some proportion of that earning over £150,000.

Nationally, Exeter University ranks 13th out of 120 universities surveyed for high pay at senior levels. Putting them in the top 10 percent of high paying universities in the UK. The new figures present total remuneration data from 120 universities for 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19. The numbers suggest that senior pay at many British universities is ’soaring.’

University student fees are more expensive than ever with maximum fees totalling £9,250 per year. Meaning most students are saddled with a debt totalling £27,750 in course fees alone by the time they graduate. The number is around three times as much for international students.

In addition to this the total money owed is subject to interest. Annually, the Government loans approximately £16 billion with only thirty percent of students expected to pay back the loan in full. Although students only start paying back the loan once they hit a salary of at least £25,000.