A SERIES of free online events are being held for Teignbridge residents to help support their community, particularly with incidents of extreme weather and other local emergencies.

Put together by independent charity Devon Communities Together, the Devon Community Resilience Forum event gives participants a chance to find out about ways to improve community support including how to make it more resilience moving into winter, getting help with emergency planning and meeting local services.

The sessions, which will take place between Monday November 14 and Wednesday November 16, will be an opportunity to discover the role in community planning, get the latest facts and figures on climate change, find out what other communities are doing to address issues such as flooding and learn how to adapt to extreme temperatures.

An organiser said: ‘The emphasis is on sharing knowledge and best practice, and providing a platform in which people can come together to gain a wealth of knowledge to help guide and develop their communities.’

The event will be run fully online and held on Zoom over the three days, including evenings, and recorded so people can catch up afterwards.