KIND-HEARTED people in Newton Abbot have raised more than £1,000 to help those affected by the devastating floods in Libya.

They tucked into a Big Brekkie at The Avenue Church to support the Christian Aid Libya Floods Appeal.

Organiser Sheila Bendall said: ‘We offered the whole works, including gluten free and vegetarian options, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. It’s a great chance for a catch-up with family and friends while raising money for a good cause.’

This year’s donations will go towards Christian Aid’s work in Libya to help communities whose homes, schools and businesses were wiped out in the floods last month.

Rev Gill Daniel, who helps with the initiative, added: ‘We are pleased to say we raised more than £1,100 thanks to everyone’s generosity. It was a great success; we enjoyed it very much and know it will be going to a very worthy cause.’